This is my official TEEN BOOK warning. I have put it here so that you know about teen books. If you have read a one of my reviews of a teen book and feel like you want to try reading it, please read this. If you are just browsing my blog please read this. I want nothing to do with you getting in trouble for reading a book, so please refer here before blaming me for not waring you.
I review TEEN BOOKS. These books tend to deal with some slightly more mature themes and ideas that are not necessarily what your parent(s) (unless you are a parent, in which case you (Or you're a teacher in which case the parents of your students)) would want you to read. If the authority figure which may be your parent(s), the parents, or you the parent says go for it, have fun, or if you have any questions come to me etc., then fine by me go ahead but as the friendly blogger behind the screen I feel the need to present this information before I delve into the nitty-gritty-fun stuff.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Queen's Rising by: Rebecca Ross

Bonjour mes chรฉris,
Why the French Merlin? Well you see the book I'm reviewing today isn't set in France or this world at all but it still has a French feel to it so I figured I might as well set the mood for this review. As you can tell from the title this is about the book The Queen's Rising by Rebecca Ross. I honestly can't believe I let this sit in my drafts for so long. I fell in love with it and the characters from the beginning and yet this has been sitting here for like a year waiting to be published. Opps... Oh well, better late than never.
  • Brienna- She's my fav. So in this world you have two kingdoms, Valenia and Maevana, and Brienna hold citizenship in both, which is quiet unusual. At the age of ten she begins to study at Magnalia, as a passion of Art but over time switches to History. 
  • Cartier- He's Brienna's teacher of knowledge. There's soo much more to him, and I love him dearly but that would give away the story.
There are many many more characters, but they all have rolls later in the story that I think should reveal themselves in the story so I shall say no more.
At age ten Brienna begins study at Magnalia, a school where young girls study for seven years to passion. After they passion, these girls are chosen by a patron and begin a career. Brienna is unusual though in that she studies all of the passions before settling on History. On her seventeenth solstice, Brienna is set to passion and be chosen by a patron. Only, she isn't chosen. All the patrons decide she is not what they want. So several months later, when a disgraced Valenian lord offers her patonage, she takes. Which ends up taking her to Maevana and revealing a plot to overthrow the king. It also reveals somethings about her past (which that and her resulting actions are what make her my fav). 
When I picked up this book I wasn't really sure if I was going to love it but it sounded interesting. I ended up loving the world, the story, and the characters. The world is so rich and wonderful. I wish I could go, even if there is a revolution going on. The characters are realistic and flawed which makes them more perfect. This was honestly amazing and I can't wait for the sequel (it comes out March 5). Ten of Ten paw prints. ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ
Happy reading!

Image result for queen's rising

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

Good day my dears,

So I had been wanting to read this book for a while and was super excited about reading it. Well Kerri Maniscalco did not disappoint. She crafted a wonderfully rich, historically accurate world that sucks you in and makes you never want to leave. Also I was so shook when I read the ending. I thought I knew where it was going but well no, no no. It got crazier.


Audrey Rose Wadsworth- So this book is set in Victorian-era London in which women had very few rights and very little freedom. Audrey Rose resents this and is very modern, even by today's standards. She a young lady of polite society is interested in forensic medicine. So she apprentices with her uncle behind her father's back.
Thomas Cresswell- *dreamy sigh* He's my new fictional crush. I love and adore him. He's perfect. Smart, dreamy, a gentleman. However he does have flaws including being an arrogant donkey. Either way he also apprentices with Audrey Rose's uncle.
Audrey Rose's Father- Lord Wadsworth. He's just a little crazy.
Nathaniel Wadsworth- Audrey Rose's brother. He's vaguely supportive of Audrey Rose. 
Johnathan Wadsworth- Audrey Rose's uncle with whom she and Thomas apprentice. He's a scientist who specializes in the forensic sciences.
Jack the Ripper- Jack the Ripper is a famous serial killer who terrorized Whitechapel in London for anywhere from two years to three months. And yes I realize that there is a big time difference there, most historians believe that Jack only terrorized Whitechapel for approximately three months. If we go with most historians view, which I am, then Jack only killed five people. Yes I get that killing five people is a good idea but its been over a century and we still talk about the Ripper. Other accounts hold him responsible for eleven murders taking place over about two years. All of Jack's victims were working women *cough*. No one ever caught Jack and the reasons behind all of his murders remain unknown to this day. Which is tbh the most fascinating part of his story because serial killers like Jack typically don't stop killing unless they are a) made to as in caught or b) die. So what exactly happened to Jack? That question opens the door to historical fiction like this book and potentially many more.

Ok so Audrey Rose Wadsworth is a young lady of high society in the Victorian Era. This effectively means that all she's supposed to do is gain some basic knowledge, gossip, learn to manage a household, be proficient in lady-like crafts, shop, and marry well. The only bits of this that Audrey Rose is interested in are shopping (sometimes), learning, and knowing some about managing a household. And when I say learning, I mean medicine which is largely considered inappropriate for women, and her father is extremely against her having anything to do with medicine or her uncle who's teaching her, so she's studying in secret, as a boy. While doing this Audrey Rose encounters Thomas Cresswell another one of her uncle's students. Her uncle is a well known forensic scientist and so is consulted on the murders done by the infamous Jack the Ripper, who at the time is called The Leather Apron. Given that this is a mystery and this is not at all mysterious, shenanigans ensue and Audrey Rose and Thomas end up stalking Jack the Ripper.
I absolutely adore this book! First of all Jack the Ripper fascinates me, as do most serial killers but Jack in particular. Second, Thomas is amazing. He's cocky and arrogant and yet a gentleman. I love him. Third, this book combines three of my favorite things 

  1. historical fiction 
  2. mystery 
  3. a strong female lead character 

So yes I love this book. Victorian London is painted in such vivid color that you feel like you're there. You can feel the chaos and fear surrounding the people of London but the calm in Audrey Rose's uncle's lab. The writing is fantastic and whereas not long ago I had never heard of Kerri Maniscalco she is now one of my favorite authors. Her characters are realistic and her plots are full of twists. I love when authors write this story where you think "Oh I know where this is going." and then "boom wow what just happened?". I despise when you can pick out the end of a mystery from the beginning but when you think you know where it's going and then it goes in a completely different direction is amazing and I think it shows just how awesome the author is. I think that everyone who enjoys a good mystery or historical fiction would enjoy this book. That being said this book centers around a serial killer who is famous for mutilating his victims and a girl who performs autopsies in her spare time so yeah it can be a little graphic. Not like hard core gore and blood like in a lot of movies but you get some descriptions of the injuries and autopsies, just as a heads up. There are also some innuendos which are called out, not like really bad innuendos but they still exist. So all in all its a really good YA book and I think a lot of people would enjoy it. Ten of Ten paw prints๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ
Happy reading!