It has occurred to me that I have failed as your loyal blogger in two ways.
- I haven't blogged this summer as much as I planned to, but alas I'm terribly scatterbrained and forgetful. I am terribly sorry for that.
- I haven't reviewed The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society which is in my opinion doomed to eventually become a classic. It's that amazing. Today I intend to fix that.
The fact that I haven't reviewed Guernsey occurred to me as I was cleaning, which we all know is only appropriate to do between the hours of eleven fifteen and two in the morning. I'm sure plenty of you have heard of Guernsey after all it became a Netflix original a while ago. The movie is actually what inspired me to read the book as horrible as that sounds. But in my defense I didn't know it was a book before I watched it. One of the most interesting, and one of my favorite, things about Guernsey is it's written entirely in letters. What is most likely my favorite thing about Guernsey (other than the characters, the plot, and everything) is the fact that it has it's basis loosely in actual history. Guernsey is a real island in the English Channel that was really was occupied by the German's during WWII. Unfortunately it seems that most of the history of Guernsey during WWII has been swept under a rug, see the Brits were never supposed to stop fighting and never be occupied but Guernsey, being in the Channel, was.
- Juliet Ashton- A London author who after WWII is rather unsatisfied with her life. She must go on tour for her book and she (much I like would) dreads it. Juliet is sweet and gentle but also determined and courageous. I absolutely adore her (mind you I adore all of the characters)
- Dawsey Addams- If only there were actual men like Dawsey. He's sweet and kind and wonderful. If he were real, age appropriate, and I knew him I would snatch him up in a heart beat. He writes Juliet about a book and sets the whole story in motion.
- Isola Pribby- Isola is a strange bird. She makes her own gin, is a feminist, and loves Brontรซ. I love her because of how unique she is. She's also sweet and kind and takes Juliet in so easily.
- Amelia Maugrey- A secretly delightful woman with a tough exterior from loosing people.
- Eben Ramsey- Local postmaster and a very grandfatherly man. Eben has to be one of the sweetest men in all books, he has this quiet strength that I adore.
- Elizabeth McKenna- The founder of the Society and a strong woman who defends what she believes in, to the end.
- Sydney Stark- Juliet's publisher and oldest friend. He's charming, and sweet, and amazing.
- Markham V. Reynolds- Ok I lied there are like two characters in the book that I dislike. Mark I hate, for reasons I cannot disclose without spoiling everything. (the other is so insignificant that she's not worth mentioning, in fact I'm not sure she's in the book this review has turned out to be half movie half book but if I do say so myself the producers did a fantastic job with Guernsey)
So Juliet lives in London as a writer, but after the war she feels uninspired and unhappy with her life. Then she gets a letter from a man named Dawsey Addams in Guernsey, asking about a book. See he had acquired a copy of one of her books with her address on it. They start exchanging letters and one thing leads to another and Juliet ends up in Guernsey, where she meets and falls in love with the members of the Society. Except for Elizabeth who was sent off island during the war. She so falls in love with them that she decides to write about them. Various things happen, letters are exchanged , people show up, things come out, and we fall in love with the characters. My only advice READ IT!
I know I probably say this too much, but this has got to be one of the best books of all time. It's probably technically an Adult book just because it doesn't have the hallmarks of a YA book. In historical fiction that's not always a bad thing. That being said a fourteen year old could read it and understand and enjoy it. Guernsey of people trying desperately to figure out life after one of the greatest tragedies of all time and move on from what they lost. With just a little adventure and gentle romance mixed in for fun. I adore it completely. Eleven of ten paw prints! ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ
Farewell my friends and may you find Guernsey as wonderful and perfect as I,
PS: what got me started on Guernsey was I watching the movie and started thinking about the book and how I didn't remember if I had reviewed it or not.