This is my official TEEN BOOK warning. I have put it here so that you know about teen books. If you have read a one of my reviews of a teen book and feel like you want to try reading it, please read this. If you are just browsing my blog please read this. I want nothing to do with you getting in trouble for reading a book, so please refer here before blaming me for not waring you.
I review TEEN BOOKS. These books tend to deal with some slightly more mature themes and ideas that are not necessarily what your parent(s) (unless you are a parent, in which case you (Or you're a teacher in which case the parents of your students)) would want you to read. If the authority figure which may be your parent(s), the parents, or you the parent says go for it, have fun, or if you have any questions come to me etc., then fine by me go ahead but as the friendly blogger behind the screen I feel the need to present this information before I delve into the nitty-gritty-fun stuff.

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Creativity Project

Happy Spring or close to it my dears,
So this review isn't gong to be like my others, see this book is a collection of writing prompts and responses by various authors. So no real plot summary or character introductions, just my opinion and maybe a prompt. 
This was called the Creativity project and that's literally what it was. Different authors created and responded to prompts in their own style. These authors include Lemony Snicket, Kate DiCamillo, Chris Grabenstein, Javaka Stepoes, Lisa Brown, and many more. You might think that with all these different styles this book would be a disaster but it actually turned out to be great fun.
This book really made me want to write stuff and you know have fun with it. Not only that but it was a lot of fun to read. I personally recommend this book to anyone at all. I really think that if you need inspiration for a short story or book this would be a great read. So my recommendation is six years or older. Ten of Ten paw prints 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾

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