This is my official TEEN BOOK warning. I have put it here so that you know about teen books. If you have read a one of my reviews of a teen book and feel like you want to try reading it, please read this. If you are just browsing my blog please read this. I want nothing to do with you getting in trouble for reading a book, so please refer here before blaming me for not waring you.
I review TEEN BOOKS. These books tend to deal with some slightly more mature themes and ideas that are not necessarily what your parent(s) (unless you are a parent, in which case you (Or you're a teacher in which case the parents of your students)) would want you to read. If the authority figure which may be your parent(s), the parents, or you the parent says go for it, have fun, or if you have any questions come to me etc., then fine by me go ahead but as the friendly blogger behind the screen I feel the need to present this information before I delve into the nitty-gritty-fun stuff.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Surprise review of famous book

Hello my dear bibliophiles,
Today I'm going to do something I have wanted to do for a very very long time. I am going to begin reviewing the Harry Potter™© books, scripts, and movies. I've held off on doing this because I didn't want to tighten you with all my nerdy glory, but I have finally decided to do it. So buckle your seat belts folks, its going to be a bumpy ride. We have seven books, a play and nine movie to get through and 106 days to do it in. If anyone is curious abut why because in 106 days on November 16, 2018 Fantastic Beast and the Crimes of Grindewald comes out!! that comes to about 11 months so with seventeen things to review I'm going to be busy.
To begin our little crusade we'll start at the very beginning, The Philosopher's Stone. Surely everybody has at least heard of Harry, if not what are you doing with your life. I'm not entirely sure how this is going to work because I know way too much a lot about Harry and everything so bear with me here

  • Harry James Potter- This is literally his series. Its called Harry Potter. He's a wizard. Has a scar. Very special known as the chosen one. 
  • Ronald Weasley- So, Ron is Harry's best friend, or one of them. He's redheaded, freckly, and the member of a large family. 
  • Hermione Ganger- Harry's other best friend. She's bushy haired, smart, and muggleborn. 
  • Neville Longbottom- He's a secondary character in the series and kinda a downer here, but he gets better. He has a toad.
  • Draco Malfoy- Ahh Draco, he's your typical schoolyard bully who thinks he's better than everyone. I love him <3. Tons of development. 
  • Minerva McGonagall- She is the bomb. Minnie McG and Dame Maggie Smith both are AMAZING. I can't really say a lot about her because spoilers, but I assure she is perfect. 
  • Dumbledore- He's headmaster and that's all I will say on him.
  • Snape- Snape is Snape. There is no other way to describe him. 
  • Rubeus Hagrid- 😍😍 I loooove him. One of the greatest characters of all time. You just have to read him to understand who he is and I can't possibly describe him without spoiling the series.
So plot wise this will be brief. If it isn't then I will go into WAY too much detail.
So, we have Harry. He lives with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon who are perfectly normal thank you very much. His life is less than perfect and rather boring until his eleventh birthday when he receives a letter. Life gets very different for Mr. H. Potter after that letter. Adventures and chaos ensue in the best possible manner.
Review time!! I adore this book are series. It is my number one favorite series of all time. The plot and characters are fantastic. I would recommend to anyone at all. Ages zero to two hundred. Yes, I know that if you aren't even a year old you can't read, but it could be a bed time story. I give it twelve paw prints. 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 
Read it, I say, read it!

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