This is my official TEEN BOOK warning. I have put it here so that you know about teen books. If you have read a one of my reviews of a teen book and feel like you want to try reading it, please read this. If you are just browsing my blog please read this. I want nothing to do with you getting in trouble for reading a book, so please refer here before blaming me for not waring you.
I review TEEN BOOKS. These books tend to deal with some slightly more mature themes and ideas that are not necessarily what your parent(s) (unless you are a parent, in which case you (Or you're a teacher in which case the parents of your students)) would want you to read. If the authority figure which may be your parent(s), the parents, or you the parent says go for it, have fun, or if you have any questions come to me etc., then fine by me go ahead but as the friendly blogger behind the screen I feel the need to present this information before I delve into the nitty-gritty-fun stuff.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My Lady Jane by The Lady Janies (Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows)

Hello and welcome back to we're all stuck inside for the good of all humanity so we might actually get semi-regular updates.
Today we're going to talk about My Lady Jane an absolutely fabulous magical historical fiction book. It was recommended to me by CA several years ago. And I'm just now reviewing it... Oops I guess. Well My Lady Jane is the semi true story of the woman who was queen for nine days before Queen Mary the First of England and after King Edward.  She was a real person and really was queen for nine days. History has pretty much forgotten her, except for maybe in England, but trust me she existed. Basically before Edward died of tuberculosis Lady Jane's father, Lord Henry Grey, convinced him that Jane, a protestant, was a better choice for a successor than his half older sister Mary, a catholic. So when he died, Jane was declared Queen of England. A month before she had married a man named Lord Guilford Dudley (who is also a character and I absolutely love him) who  took an army to stand against the people and Mary. With him gone Jane was declared a traitor and her reign came to an end. On July 20 she was imprisoned in the Tower of London, and Guilford was arrested. They were found guilty of treason and sentenced to death but due to their youth and innocence Mary wouldn't execute them. Unfortunately, early the next year Lord Grey, Jane's father, led a rebellion and thus to end the rebellion Mary had to execute all of her opponents including Jane and Guilford. On February 12 1554 both of them died and the executioner held up her head and said "So perish all of the queen's enemies! Behold the head of a traitor!" Well this is the story of Jane and Guilford with some magic mixed in and a healthy dose of fiction thrown in because why read what really happened when you can make it so much more interesting.
  • Lady Jane Grey- She's nerdy, she's badass, and she doesn't want to get married. She also wears pants which is very against the status quo in Edwardian England. She's awesome and really annoyed about being married off. Also she loves to read which is amazing.
  • Lord Gifford Dudley- Call him G. He's sweet and not really what you expect. He's an Eðian (eth-y-un) which I will talk more about in a minute. He also writes poetry and is a romantic at heart.
  • Edward- King Edward really the one before Mary. He's sweet and kind and wants to believe the best in everyone. He's also an Eðian. And that's all I've got for him partly because he's not a main character and partly because its been a minute before I read it.
  • Gracie- She's Scottish and spunky. Being Scottish she really doesn't like the British. If that isn't enough she's an Eðian.
So in this magical version of England and history, rather than being split between Protestants and Catholics England is split between Eðians and Verities. Eðians are those with magic, they can shape shift into another animal, just one though. Verities are those without this magic who hate it and believe all with it should be killed. Given that there are a fair few Eðians the extermination of them could cause some problems. You can also see how this could cause a problem for our characters. Anyway Edward is told he has less than a year to live and is convinced by G's father to name Jane as his successor over Mary or Elizabeth. Edward is true to his time and doesn't believe that a woman should rule the country so Dudley (G's father) arranges for her to marry G. G is cursed to stay in his Eðian form, a horse, from daybreak to dawn everyday and neither of the two can break this to Jane. Jane being the feminist that she is is very annoyed by being married off and goes to G's family to meet her soon to be husband. Being cursed, G is unable to meet her and his brother makes some crass jokes and comments about G being a womanizer , which he isn't, that kind of irritate Jane. In this time Edward has discovered he's being poisoned and flees. Jane and G get married at dusk, G gets drunk to tell Jane his secret, doesn't and passes out on the floor of their room, and Jane wakes up very surprised to find a horse in her room. It's announced Edward has died, and Jane is queen. Mary decides to take back her thrown, but unlike in history Jane and G escape and the story truly begins. There's an army or two and a group of Eðians running rampant. It's tons of fun.
My Opinion!
Personally I love My Lady Jane all the characters are great and funny. There's some swearing, and romance, and the very end is a little more risque than the rest of the book as it ends with Jane and G's second wedding night. But nothing too out there. Personally I say 14+ to read it just for some maturity but it's great. The Lady Janies have written another book too, My Plain Jane, which I will review soon, and another set to come out in June, My Calamity Jane. Ten of ten paw prints🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 
A Brief Word On The Current Situation
Let me begin with LET ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE. I can't stand it anymore. I need to see real life people in person. So to all of you people not staying at home because you just don't want to STAY HOME. If you're a healthcare worker or business owner or necessary personal I salute you, especially healthcare workers. Everyone else refusing to stay at home I hope you step on a lego. I've taken to putting together puzzles I've been meaning to do for a while. I just finished a 3D Diagon Alley which is super cool and now I'm working on a 3D Cinderella's castle. I've read, watched an inordinate amount of TV (hulu/netflix/dvds), and cooked. I want out. I want to go see people, I won't but I want to. So now that I've vented some of my crazy I invite you to do the same. Also go outside and enjoy the sun I know it makes me feel better.
Enjoy social distancing,

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