So, this is like my favorite Harry Potter movie. It holds so true to the book, its amazing. Once more movie review = SPOILERS
My least favorite things about this movie
- The very beginning. The movie just completely skips where Harry asks to go to Hogsmead. And all of Harry's gifts don't get shown. *sigh*
- Harry spends several weeks in Hogwarts not just one day. He sees Neville, and many other fellow Hogwarts students, and gets all his books. Then Ron & co along with Hermione come the day before. That's when Hermione gets Crookshanks. Also Scabbers is supposed to be sick. Ron is also supposed to be attacked by the cat.
- The Dementor train scene bothers me too. Everyone is supposed to feel the effects of the Dementors not just Harry. Yes Harry feels it the most, but Ron, Hermione, and Neville all talk about the Dementors.
- This particular thing bothers me in all the movies but the layout of the Great Hall. From the books what I got was that you had Slytherin Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor. In the movies its Slytherin Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff Gryffindor Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff. G and S are on opposite sides of the hall.
- This just bothers me for reasons. One of my very favorite quotes is from this movie "Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.". That is one of the most Dumbledore things ever and its not even in the book. It just bothers me because I love this quote but its only in the movies.
- They skip Christmas. Ok so Harry and Ron stay at Hogwarts for Christmas as usual. This year so few people stay for Christmas so for the Christmas feast they just have one great big table in the Great Hall and all the professors and students sit at the table. Then Trelawney comes down to the feast. And Dumbledore tells her to sit and eat with them and she says something like "No I can't because if I sit we will be a gathering of thirteen. And when thirteen dine together the first to rise is the first to die." Ya know her normal crap. Well this is home to one of the greatest bits of foreshadowing EVER. So there were only twelve people sitting at the table right? Wrong. Scabbers was in Ron's pocket. And as we all know Scabbers is the infamous Peter Petigrew. That makes thirteen people sitting and eating together. And Dumbledore is the first to rise. Dumbledore is also the first to die.
- They gloss over Ron and Hermione's fight over Scabbers and Crookshanks. But thats not the worst part. No they also take out where Ron works tirelessly to help Hagrid defend Buckbeak. But worst of all, They remove so of the best dialogue. Chapter Nine, Grim Defeat Snape calls Hermione an insufferable know-it-all. And Ron who constantly calls Hermione a know-it-all defends her saying “You asked us a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don’t want to be told?” In the movie he doesn't, no no he says "He's right you know."
- Another small problem that I can understand is that they only have Buckbeak in the movie when in the books there are three hippogriffs.
So I know that's a lot for this to be my favorite movie and really close to the book, but I nitpicked this movie, soooo much just because I love it so. If I had to pick a Harry movie for someone to watch and they were only going to watch this one, and no matter how much they loved it they would never watch another Harry movie, this would be it. Definitely watch it. Nine of Ten paw-prints (which is the highest I'll ever give a movie-book adaptation).๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ
Watch out for Dementors