This is my official TEEN BOOK warning. I have put it here so that you know about teen books. If you have read a one of my reviews of a teen book and feel like you want to try reading it, please read this. If you are just browsing my blog please read this. I want nothing to do with you getting in trouble for reading a book, so please refer here before blaming me for not waring you.
I review TEEN BOOKS. These books tend to deal with some slightly more mature themes and ideas that are not necessarily what your parent(s) (unless you are a parent, in which case you (Or you're a teacher in which case the parents of your students)) would want you to read. If the authority figure which may be your parent(s), the parents, or you the parent says go for it, have fun, or if you have any questions come to me etc., then fine by me go ahead but as the friendly blogger behind the screen I feel the need to present this information before I delve into the nitty-gritty-fun stuff.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie

Ah the Goblet of Fire. Or Harry Potter and the Year Nobody Got a Haircut. Or HP and the Goblet of Flowing Locks. This one is pretty good, there are problems, as to be expected but it's pretty good. SPOILERS
My big problems

  • The beginning. Ok so one of the best parts of the entire book is when Harry gets a letter, in the Muggle post, for the Dursleys from Mrs. Weasley. All but one square inch is covered in stamps. It infuriates the Dursleys. Not in the movie. Harry's power move intimidating the Dursleys with Sirius. Not in the movie. Sirius' tropical birds. Not in the movie. All of Harry's food gifts from Ron and Hermione because Dudley is dieting. NOT IN THE MOVIE. 
    • We never get to see the Weasleys come and get Harry from the Dursley's in the movie. In the book they get stuck in the Dursley's fireplace, they being Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, and Ron. Mr. Weasley blows out the wall of the fireplace to get out. Naturally this disturbs the Dursleys. Then Fred and George give Dudley a tongue-ton-toffee that makes Dudley's tongue swell up and grow. I love it.  
  • Sadly we only see Harry waking up in the Burrow and Hermione is there. But she just got there. Um no Hermione is already there when Harry gets there from the Dursleys.
  • At the Cup apparently, they're in the cheap seats, but the cheap seats are like nosebleed section. But in quiddich the higher up you are the better. Also Ludo was up there along with Crouch, well where he's supposed to be.That leads me to my next point. 
  • After the Cup, the deatheaters show up. In the book they like have muggles levitating in the air and are lighting things on fire. Only the fire happens in the movie. And when the Dark Mark is created you actually see Crouch jr. (Who is played by David Tennant) instead of Winky in the bushes with Harry's wand. 
  • Back to the Cup though, in the movie you don't get to see Fudge and the Bulgarian minister having communication issues, and you miss some of the best dialogue. 
    • “Vell, ve fought bravely,” said a gloomy voice behind Harry. He looked around; it was the Bulgarian Minister of Magic.
    • “You can speak English!” said Fudge, sounding outraged. “And you’ve been letting me mime everything all day!”
    • “Vell, it vos very funny,” said the Bulgarian minister, shrugging.”
  • You also miss the Leprechauns and Veela, but lots of CGI would be needed for that so I can forgive leaving that out.
  • Time constraints also cut out the camping with Bill, Percy, and Charlie who all com the the Cup. But I find it very hard to forgive leaving out Bill and Charlie Weasley. And Fred and George's bet with Ludo. Ireland wins but Krum gets the Snitch. 
  • Lots of other little things are left out too. Like Fred and George threatening Bagman because he won't/can't give them their money. And Harry splitting Cedric's bag so that he can tell him about the dragons.
  • Also, Malfoy & co made the Potter Stinks badges.
  • Furthermore, and this really bothers me, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are both Co-Ed. As in Flamel himslef is a Beauxbatons alumnus and the first head teacher of Durmstrang was a woman.
  • Harry's dragon in the first task doesn't ever leave the spot that it started at, unlike in the movie where the Dragon dies. 
  • Second task, Harry gets there first yes, and the Cedric. But he spends a fair amount of time trying to rescue the other people. As in He spent so long trying to save everybody that if Cedric finished first in over an hour, then he was definitely over an hour by a lot. You also had more creatures. 
  • Third task sooo much is missing. Like all the magical creatures, Blast-Ended Screwts, the Sphinx. And then Harry saves Cedric from an Acromantantula, and THEN they go, you take it, no you take it until they decide to both take it at the same time.
  • When they get back to the school, there's more reaction to Cedric being dead. And then Moody takes Harry and that's when Dumbledore knows that he's not Moody.
  • Also can we take a minute to talk about the casting of Lily and James. They're supposed to be 21. TWENTY-ONE!! Not as old as they're cast.
  • Also, Harry tried to give Cedric's family the money he won, but they said no. So instead he gives it to Fred and George. With the condition that they buy Ron new robes. Which they do.
  • Worst for last. Right after Harry gets picked to be in the Triwizard Tournament, all the heads of school, the minister, and Ludo come back to talk to Harry. They're all yelling at Harry and then “Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?” he asked calmly." That's Dumbledore. and please direct your attention to the adverb of how he said it. CALMLY!!!!!!!  In the movie he spins Snape out of the way. Pushes Minnie into a wall. And then
    Image result for Goblet of fire bonet scene
Even though they do all this wrong, this movie has one of the best lines ever. It's the scene where Ron's robes come in the mail and Harry sees them and then goes "Is there a bonnet? There is." It's the most Harry line in all the movies.
I enjoy this movie soo much. Definitely watch it. six of seven paw-prints🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Constant Vigilance!

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