This is my official TEEN BOOK warning. I have put it here so that you know about teen books. If you have read a one of my reviews of a teen book and feel like you want to try reading it, please read this. If you are just browsing my blog please read this. I want nothing to do with you getting in trouble for reading a book, so please refer here before blaming me for not waring you.
I review TEEN BOOKS. These books tend to deal with some slightly more mature themes and ideas that are not necessarily what your parent(s) (unless you are a parent, in which case you (Or you're a teacher in which case the parents of your students)) would want you to read. If the authority figure which may be your parent(s), the parents, or you the parent says go for it, have fun, or if you have any questions come to me etc., then fine by me go ahead but as the friendly blogger behind the screen I feel the need to present this information before I delve into the nitty-gritty-fun stuff.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

IT ALL ENDS 9. 15. 11.
So that's not true because Harry will NEVER end, but I can remember seeing those posters everywhere and being excited to see it. So this is the last book in the series, I will however be reviewing The Cursed Child for two reasons a) to laugh and b) it is a Harry book even if I refuse to call it canon. Anywho, character time.

  • The Carrows- Alecto and Amicus. Death-eaters but thats all I can say.
  • Presenting for the first time ever MRS. FLEUR WEASLEY- It's Fleur but she married Bill so she's a Weasley and I felt like she needed a proper introduction.
So there are several other characters you meet in this book, like Andromeda and Ted, but they aren't major characters even though I love them to death. 
Sum up time! So... wait CA don't read this because I have to slightly spoil the previous book to sum up this one. So Voldy has horcruxes and Harry has to destroy them to defeat Voldy once and for all. This leads to a grand adventure and several slight misadventures. Then it all wraps up in what at the time was a fantastic ending but now its more eh. I'd explain it if I could without spoiling it and I probably will in a later spoiler filled review.
So I love this book so much and to see the growth that all the characters have had throughout the books lead up to this book is amazing. Throughout the series you see the characters go from frightened, skeptical, scrawny first years to brave, less skeptical, teens who know what has to happen and are will to do what it takes to make it happen, and this transformation is amazing. Seeing everything come together end the end is amazing even if this is in my opinion the saddest book of the series. Yes at this point the ending is a little bit of a let down but honestly I'm okay with it because its fitting. So ten of ten paw-prints 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
May your love of book, reading, and Harry never end

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